BHOs, Toolbars, SHs, Explorer Bars
Item Details
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BHOs, Toolbars, SHs, Explorer Bars
This entry is classified as legitimate.
It is either part of a legitimate program or the operating system itself. Removal is not needed.
It is either part of a legitimate program or the operating system itself. Removal is not needed.
Item Details
Type: | BHO |
CLSID: | {1C52FA7C-51B7-4621-9D5A-11101BA13134} |
Name: | Invincea Web Redirector |
Filename(s): | InvRedirHostIE.dll, InvRedirHostIE64.dll |
Location: | %ProgramFiles%\Invincea\Enterprise (\X64) |
Description: | Invincea Enterprise endpoint security solution |
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